A |
Abby Stephens: Motivational Speaker |
Adam Abel: Founder GoFilms (Forever Strong, Freetown) |
Al Rounds: LDS Artist in Water Color |
Al Switzler: Founder Vital Smarts |
Alan Knight: Expert on Arnold Frieberg |
Alan Patterson: Humanitarian Cleff Palatte MD |
Alisa Goodwin Snell: KSL Relationship Coach |
Alvin Jackson: Attorney - Constitutional Law |
Amy Williams: Cokeville Survivor |
Angela Johnson: Christ Sculptor - "Light of the World" |
Ann Washburn: Body Language Expert |
Annalece Misiego Booth: LDS Singer |
Ariel Bybee: Metropolitan Opera |
Auld'skool 6 piece Dance Band |
B |
B.Chamberlain: "Man's Search for Happiness" film |
Bob and Kathy Nilsen: Story of Amish Converts |
Bob Kittell: International Motivational Speaker |
Bonnie Harris: Singer and performer |
Brad Wilcox: BYU educator |
Bryan Halverson: Manager Zion's Bank |
Burgess Owens: NFL Superbowl Winner |
Buzztones, 12 piece Jazz Dance Band |
C |
Cameron Wright: Author "The Rent Collector" |
Camille Fronk Olson: BYU Scripture Professor and Department Chair |
Can't Stop Rockin': 50 & 60's Dance Band |
Carol Whitaker: Mentor and Life Coach |
Carrie Wrigley: Counselor and Therapist |
Casey Griffiths: BYU Religion Professor |
Chris Dutson: From Rosaries to Covenants Convert |
Chris Williams: Forgiveness - Movie: "Let It Go" |
Chris Yadon: "Mormon vs Gospel Cultures" |
Cindy Kern: BYU American Heritage, "Virtue in the Republic" |
Cindy Lee: BYU Professor, Psychology |
Connie Sokol: Motivational Speaker |
Conrad Lloyd: Square Dance |
Coren Noyes: Financial Expert |
Cristel Foreman: Freedom Festival Honoree |
Cross Strung: Blue Grass Band |
Curt Dahl: Executive, Bonneville International |
D |
Dallyn Bayles: LDS Musician |
Dan & Kathy McGraw: Missionaries to Africa |
Dan Debenham: Relative Race - BYU TV |
Daniel Cook: Teacher - How to avoid loving a jerk |
Daniel Rona: Israel & South America archeology |
Danor Gerald: LDS Movie Star |
Darren Johansen: Family Therapist |
Darren Parry: Native American |
Dave Smith: Community Action |
David Bradford: LDS Technology Advances |
David Brown: LDS Mission President |
David Durfey: Patriarch and CES Educator |
David Glen Hatch: Pianist |
David Grant: Hundreds of LDS Websites |
David Handy: "Christ in Mesoamerica" |
David Parra: "JustServe.org" |
David Tolk: Pianist |
David Townley: David Townley Dance Band |
Dean Hughes: LDS Author - Children of the Promise |
Diane Thomas: The Today Show Host |
Col. Donald A. Walbrecht (USAF, Ret) Author, SR-71 Blackbird Pilot |
Doug and Connie Boudreaux: Life Fulfillment, Business Exec |
Doug Brinley: Emeritus BYU, "Being Single in a Married Church" |
Doug Robinson: Deseret News Reporter |
Dr. Liz Hale: Relationship Coach |
Dr. Maurice Baker: Nutritional Specialist |
Duane Crowther: Prolific LDS Author |
Dusty Smith: Anti-Mormon Convert |
Dyer Highway: Three piece country band |
E |
Elder Craig B.Terry |
Elder Gene R. Cook |
Elder Joe Christensen |
Elder Max Caldwell |
Elder Vaughn J. Featherstone |
Emily Snyder: LDS Project Manager |
Eric Dowdle: Artist and public speaker |
F-G |
Forrest Hale: Relationship Counselor, "Family Imperative" |
Ganel-Lyn Condie: Author and Personal Coach |
Gary and Joy Lundberg: Authors and lecturers |
Gary Rhoads: BYU Marriott School of Business, "Stop, Think, Lead" |
Glenda Christiaens: UofU Nurse on Stress Management |
Glenn Rawson: The Joseph Smith Papers |
Gove Allen: BYU Professor, Heritage Foundation |
Greg Olsen: Artist |
H-I |
Heather Moore: Author, Historical Novels |
Heidi Swinton: Pres Monson's Biographer |
Igor Grupman: Violinist |
Iris: Nashville singer |
Isaac Thomas: First black marriage in SLC Temple |
J |
James Oneil Miner: Composer and pianist |
Jared Halverson: CES Institute Teacher |
Jason Mow: Author "Book of Mormon Wars" |
JC Holtz: Underground Railroad |
Jeff Hill: BYU Professor, Family Life Sciences |
Jeff Ringer: Director of BYU's Kennedy Center for International Studies |
Jeff Swinton: Area 70 |
Jeff Taylor: Boncom Projects |
Jennifer James: Author, Family Therapist |
JoAnna Flynn: Modern-day Erma Bombeck |
Joel McCausland: Afterglow Music |
John and Cammie Nebeker: Wellness, Narcissism |
John Bytheway: Motivational speaker |
John Canaan: Musician and Composer |
John Fossum: CES Institute Teacher |
John Hilton III: BYU Religion Professor |
Jolene Allphin: Church History, Handcart Stories |
Jon & Michelle Schmidt: The Piano Guys |
Jon Schmidt: Pianist Extraordinaire |
Joseph Grenny: Founder "The Other Side Academy" |
Josh Redd: Wellness expert and Religion Teacher |
Joshua Creek: Country Western Band |
Judy F. Lever: Attorney - Family Law |
K |
Karen and Andrea Hughes: Violinists, Orchestra at Temple Square |
Karen Prier: Personal Trainer |
Keith Hamilton: 1st BYU African American law graduate |
Kelly Ogden: BYU Religion Professor |
Kenneth Cope: LDS Composer and Song Writer |
Kerri Guthrie: Painter |
Kim Smith: Descendent of Joseph Smith |
Kimberly Giles: KSL Relationship Coach |
Kirk Maglebay: Book of Mormon Central Website |
Kordell Norton: Motivational NSA speaker |
L |
L. Carvel Whiting: CEO of "Believe International" |
Larry Barkdull: Author, Pillars of Zion |
Larry Gelwix: Rugby Coach in "Forever Strong" Movie |
Lee Groberg: Movie Producer, Groberg Films |
Lester Moore: Past Director of Polynesian Cultural Center |
Lili Anderson: Author & Life Coach |
Linda Cole: BYU Educ Week Presenter & Ombudsman |
Linda Simmons: Hearts Knit Together |
Lloyd Newell: The Spoken Word |
Lu Arnold: Digital Scrapbooking |
M |
Mark Basil: Personal Trainer |
Mark Miner: Addiction Recovery Missionary |
Martin Tanner: KSL Religion Today |
Marvin Goldstein: Pianist |
Mary Ellen Edmunds: Time Out For Women |
Matt Townsend: Relationship speaker |
Matthew Godfrey: Joseph Smith Papers |
Matthew Grey: Hebrew scholar and BYU Professor |
Max Parkin: Author and Religion Instructor |
Michael Kennedy Jr.: Producer of "Emma, My Story" |
Michael Wilcox: BYU Educator |
Michelle King: KSL News anchor |
Michelle McCullough: Motivational NSA speaker |
Midlife Crisis: Dance band |
Mike Farrington: Author "Christmas Morning Gift" |
Mike Maudsley: Physical Therapist |
Mike Ramsdell: US Intelligence Agent |
Mike Schlappi: Motivational Speaker |
N-O-P |
Neils Valentiner: Rome Temple Architect |
Octappella |
Pam Egbert: FLDS Convert |
Patrick Degn: Religion Professor |
Paul Burnside Band |
Paul Cardall: Pianist |
Paul Jenkins, Ph.D: Pathological Positivity |
Peter Brienholt: Composer and Entertainer |
Q-R |
Quinn Gunn McKay: General YM president, Business Exec |
R. Jean Addams: Church History Expert |
Ramy Louis: Convert, Son of Black Pastor |
Richard & Linda Eyre: Motivational Speakers |
Richard and Kathleen Walker: Pres Hinckley's daughter |
Richard Draper: BYU Religion Professor |
Richard Launderman band |
Richard Norby: Brussels terrorist attack survivor |
Rob Cornilles: US Congress Candidate |
Robbie Bosco: Football legend
Robert Millet: BYU Religion Professor
Roger & Melanie Hoffman: Composer "Consider the Lilies"
Ronald E. Bartholomew: CES Instructor and Author
Roy Banks: Highly successful CEO |
S |
Sam Payne & Cherie Call: Story Tellers and Musicians |
Sarah Coyne: BYU Family Science Faculty |
Sarah Hinze: Movie Producer - Remembering Heaven |
Sarah Jane Weaver: Editor Church News of Deseret News |
Scott & Maurine Proctor: Meridian Magazine Editors |
Sean Reyes: Utah Attorney General |
Shilaylee: Celtic & American Music |
Skip Weeks: Photograher |
Stephanie Boyd: Composer and Singer |
Stephen Anderson: Fam Hist Author - A Broken Tree |
Stephen Hunsaker: CES Instructor and Author |
Steve Eastmon: Personal Psychologist |
Steve Harper: The Joseph Smith Papers |
Steve Shallenberger: Author and Executive |
Steven James: Musician, Something Good Website |
Steven Olsen: Church History Department |
Sunshade 'n Rain: International Performers |
Susan Easton Black: BYU Educator |
Susan Ronson: Singer and composer |
T |
T.C Christensen: Producer of "17 Miracles" |
Tamara Oswald & Jeannine Goeckeritz: Harp & flute; Orchestra at Temple Square |
Tanner Hutchens: Broadway BofM Play Convert |
Terry Ball: BYU Religion Professor |
Terry Caple: Dating Hygiene Expert |
Terryl & Fiona Givens: LDS Scholars and Authors |
The Lower Lights: Old time religion sounds great instrumentals |
Thomas Tyler: Institute Teacher |
Tod Harris: Great-great grandson of Martin Harris |
Todd Hansen: Story Trek Host, BYUTV |
Todd Horne: Mountain Blue A'cappella |
Todd King: Professional Trainer & Speaker |
Todd Nielson: LDS Convert |
Tracy Barrand Hermans: Family Counselor |
Troy Dunn: The Locator TV Show |
U-V |
Val Baldwin: TV personality and relationship coach |
Vernon Law: Baseball great |
Vickey Taylor: Motivational speaker |
W-X-Y-Z |
Walter Plumb: Humanitarian missionary in Middle East (Kurdistan) |
Wayne Burton: Composer, Singer, Performer |
Yeah Samake: Mali Presidential Candidate, 2013 |